
Leadership Duties

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Saved by Katie Dunn
on December 11, 2020 at 2:14:57 pm

Co-Chair Duties


  1. Administer and moderate listserv https://exlibrisusers.org/listinfo/almalawsig
  2. Schedule, plan and facilitate annual meetings (in person at ELUNA or virtually). Make meeting materials accessible afterwards using the ELUNA repository. Meeting materials can also be uploaded to this page.
  3. Keep ELUNA LawSIG website (https://el-una.org/special-interest-groups/descriptions/law-sig/) up to date with leadership and past meeting information, as well as any other relevant information.
  4. Work with LawSIG liaison to the Content Working Group to advocate for law-related resources in Ex Libris products.
  5. Facilitate partnerships with other groups, such as AALL LSRD, VRAG, CRIV, etc. to improve functionality and resources in Ex Libris products to better serve Ex Libris law libraries
  6. Occasionally advertise LawSIG on Alma-L and AALL listservs to reach membership who may not be aware of the group
  7. Maintain and add resources to the LawSIG Wiki (http://almalawsig.pbworks.com/w/page/126851438/FrontPage) so long as this resource remains relevant and helpful to membership.

Terms should be 2 years, ideally on an alternating basis.


Content Working Group Liaison Duties

  1. Serve as a member of the Joint IGeLU/ELUNA Content Working Group (CWG) (https://igelu.org/products/content-working-group)
    1. Attend CWG meetings (twice monthly as of 2020) and give CWG a brief monthly update on LawSIG activities.
    2.  Maintain communication between LawSIG and CWG on law-related resources in Ex Libris products.
  2.  Work with LawSIG Co-Chairs to advocate for law-related resources in Ex Libris products.
  3. Send a monthly summary of law-related items appearing in the release notes for the Alma CKB (Community Zone), the Primo Central Index, and the Central Discovery Index to the LawSIG listserv. 


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